1)According to Larry Hatteberg a KATE-TV journalist, anyone with a camera is a photographer. The qualities that separate a photographer from a photojournalist is that a photojournalist has to able to tell a visual story. First by "Telling" the audience is lecturing then by "showing' the audience is teaching. Finally by "Letting the audience experience the moment" is a visual storytelling.
2) In the sense of realism is how cameras and microphones are writing and reporting instruments the sharp crisp sounds of new events give us a sense of being there and having experienced the moment. these instruments can be used to heighten the story's sense of realism
3) The edit console can be called a rewrite machine because it is where television journalist put on idea in a relation with another, where quotations from news sources take form as sound bites and are positioned to help give the news story its clarity. Also where journalist position and emphasize that sound within the story. Also this is where the voice over is tightened and sometimes "rewritten" after it has been transformed from words on paper to words in air to words on video
4) News stories are meant to be read out by the news anchor rather then internally by a general audience
5.The role of written words television news is to serve as blueprints to help guide the pictures and sounds that make up television's content. Using words help interpret and explain what pictures can't say.
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