Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Writing with Light chapter 5

Having the right lighting can make or break a good picture, in this chapter we learned how to use different types of light to illuminate you object but in this certain experiment we use the reflectors to give the object a natural light

Thursday, March 3, 2016

Chapter 5 Questions writing with light

1. The essential role of a interview is to provide essential detail while giving stories spirit and atmosphere and spark sense of spontaneity.

3. Being on time, leave the chewing gum at home, refrain from sitting unless you are invited and being friendly not over familiar are good examples

4. The most important question you can ask is "show me what you can do"

8. Research and planning are important because the more you know about your source the more confidence you give the person and the more you can concentrate on listening without having to worry about the next question

11. Building questions around the 5 w's and avoiding a two part question constitutes dumb interview questions

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

The fifth shot are all three light. This shot gives you the angle so you can see them all
This is the Fourth shot which has the Key, Fill and back light being used
This is the third shot which has the Key and fill light
The Second shot is the Key light. As you can see the key light gives a full look on the face
The is the No light Picture and my subject is my classmate Vaunte

Three Point Lighting

In the Advanced Tv Production class Chapter 5 is discussing light. Light on any set is one of the most important keys. Without the correct lighting the shot that you want will not look they way you need it.

For this assignment we are using the 3 point lighting method. the purpose for using this method is to even the lighting across the subject. Doing this you will need three lights. 

The three main lights you will be using is the Key light which is the main light for the set up and by main light i mean it will give the subject the most full effect. The Second light will be the Fill light  which fills the shadow spots you have from the key light. The third light is the Back light which allows the subject to pop out and give it that full look.